“No man stands as tall as when he stoops to help a child”.
I was watching a piece last night on 60 minutes about Nick Saban, the great Alabama coach. That was a quote on his father’s tombstone. Now that was a real man.
Certain things are so right and so wrong, black and white. You don’t hit a woman, you don’t hurt a child. Real men know this. We don’t react to provocation by lashing out physically at our loved ones, girlfriends, wives, kids.
On the other hand, we’re not football players. We aren’t raised in a culture of violence. Everything football players do, all their training since they were kids, has led to this. You get hit, you hit back. Your girlfriend slaps you, whack her. No problem. Even if you’re in a Las Vegas elevator, no problem. You’re a star. You make millions. You’re protected by coaches, by owners. Violence is what got you here. It’s in your blood. It’s your raison d’etre. And you’re girlfriend loves you enough to marry you. All sad but true.